Debbie Millman talks to Ayse Birsel about her expansive career as an industrial designer and how she uses art and design to reconstruct her personal and professional life around a core idea.
Check out the interview on SoundCloud here.
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Debbie Millman talks to Ayse Birsel about her expansive career as an industrial designer and how she uses art and design to reconstruct her personal and professional life around a core idea.
Check out the interview on SoundCloud here.
As a preview to her upcoming talk at the HOW Design Live Conference, Ayse discusses her design process, her new book, the workshops for Design The Life You Love, and more! Read the full article by clicking the title above.
"Applying design thinking is not constrained exclusively to client and self-promotion work. Ayse Birsel, of Birsel + Seck, knows you can apply design thinking and design processes to solve life’s problems."
What an honor to be interviewed by Steven Heller about Design the Life You Love and "how design and drawing can change lives and loves."
He asked hard questions like why life can be reduced to a design problem and how one knows when they love something. Read my answers at "A Life Designed."
Read my blog on travel essentials written for It utilizes the Four Quadrants exercise from my book to help me design the travel I love.
Two articles have come out in Turkey to coincide with the launch of my new book, Design the Life You Love.
The first one can be found in the November 2015 Turkish addition of L'Officiel magazine.
For all my friends who don't read Turkish, enjoy the pictures!
Design the Life You Love: A Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Meaningful Future is Ayse Birsel’s new book, published by Ten Speed Press, an imprint of Penguin Random House. More on Ayse Birsel at and on Twitter, aysebirselseck.
Ayse Birsel: How to Sketch a Life Plan
Want a Better Life? Design It as You Would a Chair, Says Product Expert
"Design a Life You Will Love" by Janice Holly Booth appeared in AARP’s online publication Life Reimagined. See It Here.
"How To Get (and Stay) Inspired" by Lisa Guimond will be appearing in the October issue of Elle Canada. Here’s a sneak peak.
I’ve had the chance to work with many people who’ve come to my lectures, workshops and masterclasses. These people, mostly non-designers, are extraordinarily creative when it comes to designing their life. They blossom when they’re given a creative process and tools. Often they will send me notes afterwards saying this has changed their life—that they started a new company, went back to school, taught it their spouse and that they’re now designing their lives together.
So, here is what I have learned from them about why design the life you love:
What are your reasons for designing your life? Drop me a note. I would love to hear from you.
Welcome to designing the life you love!
All Content and Illustrations Copyright © 2015 by Ayse Birsel